Tom and the Wizard of Wings - a sad story

Once upon a time the Wizard of Wings sent many of you a recipe that he got from Laurie The Good for some of the best crispest buffalo wings in the land. A young lad, let's call him Tom the Meticulous, was so taken by the recipe that he took a week's wages and despite the protestations of his young wife and children proceeded to follow the recipe only to end up with a pan of charcoal and a very hungry and angry family. Undaunted, and assured by the Wizard that it was his own fault, young Tom once again "bought the beans" and, yes, once again produced a panful of charcoal and the wife and children had macaroni and cheese for the Superbowl. The Wizard could only console the young man and wish him well with his familial relations all the while secretly wondering how anyone could fumble such an easy recipe. Happening upon Laurie The Good one day in the Rosetinted Forest, the Wizard asked her how young Tom could be such a bumbler. Surely, she said, it couldn't be that he did not cover the wings as they cooked until the final hour of truth when crispness covers the wings. The Wizard could only gulp as he reread the recipe he had so carefully typed for he had committed a sin of omission - yea, verily, the wings were to be covered the first three hours of cooking. Crawling in supplication, the Wizard of Wings begged for mercy from Tom the Meticulous and it was granted but as penance the Wizard of Wings had to send out an edited version of the recipe (wow! big ending, huh?)

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